Administrative Virtual Assistant

Administrative Virtual Assistant

Running your business today requires you to ensure there is proper functioning and coordination among all administrative tasks. You might need some of these to perform daily, which gobble up a lot of time. If you outsource this work to someone professionally skilled then you can save more time and focus on other aspects of your business such as scalability. A virtual administrative assistant can perform all your routine tasks you have that don’t require your expertise. Hand over all your tasks from scheduling meetings to data entry to your virtual assistant, and free up your timetable. With a virtual administrative assistant on your side, you can emphasise on doing tasks that are more important and relevant to your job title, or spend more time with family, friends, or doing things you love.

They will offer you the assistance you are looking for to empower business. They can execute tasks that your full-time executive assistant would handle, including scheduling appointments, making phone calls, event planning, travel arrangement, or emails management. They work as independent contractors or as hired as full-time remote workers. Businesses of all sizes and different industry domains hire virtual assistants to do their jobs.

Tasks you can assign your Administrative VA

Travel Arrangement & Itinerary

When you don’t have robust travel planner with you, your business meetings, appointments, and other vital engagements can jeopardize. If you’re concerned of missing any important task, our virtual administrative assistants can plan your schedule.

Appointment Setting

Booking appointments on your own can be arduous especially if you have other priorities for attention. First Employee has virtual administrative assistants to book confirm appointments so that you can do your best to seal the deal through interaction in person.

Schedule Management

Whether it is timetable, portfolio, and projects, or a simple spreadsheet with time and information, at First Employee, we have expert administrative assistant to seamlessly manage your work schedules. Our remote assistant has the right skills to prevent congestion in your daily scheduler.

Taking Notes

Virtual administrative assistant at First Employee can jot down notes on your behalf. Whether it is important meetings, seminars, or events, our executives will take notes for your ease. The written document prepared by our administrative assistant will be compliant to your business requisites.

Calendar Management

Having a virtual admin assistant to manage your schedule and keep an eye on it is super useful. An admin virtual assistant will inform you of tasks you’ve bumped off one too many times, or reminds you that you need to take out some time for yourself.

Email Management

Sorting through email is very time-consuming for any business owner. Email can very easily become a quagmire that keeps you away from the important tasks you need to do for your business. Many times, you keep running away from handling email making you miss important messages. Get a virtual assistant to take care of all this hassle.

Why Choose Virtual Administrative Assistants?

Unlimited Tasks

First employee provides you easy to afford virtual assistant packages to help you assign an unlimited amount of administrative tasks to your virtual assistant. You only pay for the hour or the task your assistant worked for rather than paying monthly salaries, so nothing is off-limits.


The process of hiring a virtual admin assistant is risk-free and if you are unhappy with the work, you can either switch the assistant or discontinue the package. If things do not work out for, we’ll try to help you interact with another admin virtual assistant right away.

Scale business

When you have to do everything on your own, your business growth is hindered. However, when you get an expert virtual assistant to support your business, you have more opportunity to expand your business. But it’s needed to have employees that you can rely on for any tasks just like a VA.

More work

Hiring a virtual administrative assistant will allow you to take care of daily chores. When you have a dedicated resource to manage your crucial business tasks while you can focus on core business, the benefits are apparent. You’ll get more work done each day. If you’re looking to skyrocket your business growth, include in your team efficient virtual employees!

Affordable hiring

If you are a start up business and don’t have enough budgets to hire in-house employees, hiring a virtual administrative assistant is the best option. Hiring a virtual administrative assistant means only to pay for the hours needed. Hire an affordable administrative assistant and pay as you need.

No additional benefits

Hiring a virtual assistant is nothing like hiring an employee. Don’t worry about offering additional benefits such as healthcare facilities, pension, and other expenses. Moreover, you also do not need to pay for leaves and use the money back into your business.

Higher productivity

Since your administrative remote employee works remotely, travel time and other time is saved and can be used for other activities and interest. Your VA, when is handling your job, you can promote your business and get more work done at comparatively lesser cost. More productivity means more revenue.

Eliminate pressure

You want to control every aspect of your work, as it’s difficult to trust someone for your business responsibilities you don’t know. However, you must realize that you can't manage it all on your own and need some extra pair of hands. You can outsource admin tasks to a VA and eliminate any unnecessary pressure.

Focus on value tasks

When you hire an administrative assistant, you have more time to focus on your core business operations related to growth and scalability. Assign all your mundane tasks to admin VA and focus on creating strategy, analysis, and more market share.


Frequently Asked Questions

A virtual assistant content writer is a professional who is expert at creating high-quality writings for different types of projects. As a virtual assistant, our remote employee helps our clients to fulfill their different marketing purposes. A content writer virtual assistant takes care of writing blog posts, press releases, and other forms of promotional content that a client requires from him.

When you hire content writing virtual assistant from us, you will save a lot of your time by not writing all the content yourself. A good content writer virtual assistant can also help you create high-quality content to attract traffic to your site and generate more leads and sales. With a copywriting assistant, you can create regular content for your website, to improve your search engine rankings and promote your online presence.

Yes, when our clients hire a virtual assistant from our team, we provide them a resource that works according to their time zone or flexible schedules. You can share with us about the time when you want an assistant and according to that we will provide you a remote employee to help you out.

If you are a business owner and want to promote your business, it is important to make content an important part of your marketing strategy. And being a busy entrepreneur, it won't be easy to take out time and do the task by yourself. By hiring an assistant, you have an opportunity to get an affordable and skilled resource to work for you so that you can take your business to whole new heights.

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